Laura Gibson – Daytrotter Session

I’m sure that it’s one of the more common adjectives to describe Laura Gibson, but, nonetheless, there’s something truly haunting about this Oregonian’s music.  From her debut album If You Come to Greet Me to her superb 2009 effort Beasts of Seasons, Laura has kept me enthralled with each new track.  With its complex depth of emotions, hers is the perfect sort of music to slide into on a lazy Winter’s afternoon, or whenever else you’re feeling contemplative.

Imagine, then, my immense delight at discovering that Daytrotter has posted a collection of six live tracks for listening and download.   You can also find her original session there – with five more tracks to listen to and download.

P.S. While looking for a photo, I came across this unusual live version of “Spirited.”  Check it out.